We are proud of the work we do in our community.
The Christian Alliance Group offers many ways for churches to save money, thereby making more funds available for Kingdom building. We have saved each month through the relationship they established for us at Staples. It has been a pleasure working with them.

Dave Brooks, Executive Pastor
Liquid Church
It has been our pleasure to work with The Christian Alliance Group and their team. They have been such a blessing to our ministry in so many ways. Their counsel has been of great help to us as well in securing amazing savings when it came to our Property and Casualty insurance, administrative/office supplies through Staples, and background screening solutions through BoldSecure for our youth and children’s ministries.
We highly recommend their services to any ministry that is looking to work with individuals of high integrity and character and a deep understanding of ministry.

Richard Perez, Associate Minister and Facilities Administrator
Faith Church
I highly recommend The Christian Alliance Group! Through their network of service providers they have reduced operational costs at our district office and have blessed our churches by reducing expenditures and by providing coaching and advisement on daily ministry needs.

Rev. Manny Alvarez, District Superintendent
Asambleas De Dios
We are so grateful to The Christian Alliance Group for their dedication and perseverance in working to provide our church with exceptional service. TCAG was able to save us money and time on many projects. Property & Casualty, Solar Panels, Energy and Telecommunications to name a few. The team worked hard day and night which allowed us to spend more time on spreading the word of God.

Rev. Roberto Lopez
Iglesia Cristiana Juan
Because of our partnership with The Christian Alliance Group, we have continued to substantially reduced our overall costs while enriching the coverage benefits of our Property and Casualty Insurance and Employee Benefits Program. The TCAG team was also able to save over 45% on our energy services which has direct impact on our bottom line. I highly recommend The Christian Alliance Group to any church, ministry or faith-based business, they will exceed your expectations.

Rev. Bob Rodriguez, Former Executive Director
Radio Vision Cristiana
The Christian Alliance Group helped our church at a crucial point of need when our landmark building needed urgent parapet repairs. The Christian Alliance construction team not only evaluated our quotes but also found out that the companies we were working with were not qualified to do the job. The Christian Alliance construction team was able to do the repairs properly and to code while also helping us get financing for this project. There are many other things we are actively working on with Christian Alliance from reducing our energy costs to reviewing our property and casualty policies. We highly recommend this caring and diligent team

Rev. Ricky Anaya, Brooklyn New York
Asambleas De Dios
In today’s ever changing economy, it is refreshing to experience firsthand, the valuable resources provided to not-for-profits by The Christian Alliance Group. There proven track record along with their multiple networking resources, has enabled our ministry to save thousands of dollars with vendors. I highly recommend The Christian Alliance Group to you and your ministry. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed by their kind customer service and real cost savings, which enables not-for-profits to focus more of our energies on ministry endeavors.

Rev. Peter DeArruda, President
New York School of Urban Ministry
The Christian Alliance Group not only dedicated the time and resources needed to get our health insurance policies under control, with their expertise and guidance, they were able to reduce our yearly premiums by $14,000 which has allowed us to provide coverage to our long-time administrator who has been with us for many years. The Christian Alliance Group has been a refuge to our ministry. The Lord be Praised!

Pastor Sal Sabino, Founder & Apostle
Heavenly Vision
After a fire in 2014, our insurance provider dropped our policy. The broker proposed three new insurers which were all over double the premium we were previously paying. The Christian Alliance Group stepped in, provided us with excellent customer service and saved us over $10,000 annually on our insurance without changing our coverage ratios. That’s results!. Praise the Lord.

Pastor Paul Peart, Senior Pastor
New Testament Temple Church Of God
The Christian Alliance Group is not a business, its a ministry.

Rev. Gary Frost, Midwest Region Vice President
North American Mission Board
Ministers and ministries should have resources at their fingertips to navigate through the multiplicity of needs that Churches must encounter in day to day activities in order to remain functional. We all face problems from Insurance issues to Real Estate challenges. Meeting these needs is vital to the health and well-being of all Ministries. That’s why when we needed to sell our facility I contacted The Christian Alliance Group and they put us in touch with the right people who were equipped to resolve our dilemma with professionalism and caring that the world may not of been able to deliver. I will always contact The Christian Alliance anytime we need professional services because of their ability to deliver and their wide range of resources they provide and the full range of resources which are proven to be effective in their respective fields of business.

Pastor Bob Ilardi, Senior Pastor
Christian Life Church
The Christian Alliance Group has dedicated resources available for churches, which helps reduce operational costs. Through their network of providers, they assisted our Church Business Administrator in realizing cost savings in our energy bills over the past few years. They have also provided background check screening resources and are working to provide additional savings in other areas of our ministry. If you are looking to reduce costs and maximize resources in your ministry, The Christian Alliance Group is here to help you.

Bishop Carlton T. Brown, Senior Pastor
Bethel Gospel Assembly, Inc.